Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mayor Lioneld Jordan of Fayetteville cites wet-prairie protection by Pinnacle Foods Inc. of Fayetteville as an example of protecting Beaver Lake water-quality in the most natural way possible

Please click on image to ENLARGE.

For thousands more photos from Pinnacle Wet Prairie, including some from this event at the bottom, please click Flickr link.
For more than 800 photos made July 4, 2011, at Pinnacle wet prairie, please see Flick set.
For direct links to You Tube videos from Aug. 5, 2011, at Pinnacle Foods, please click on You Tube link.
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE. Click on enlargement for even closer view.

Doug Bryson and Lioneld Jordan

Recognition of Pinnacle Foods Inc's. significance to Fayetteville

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